Serivce-learning through printmaking in the Roaring Fork Valley, CO since 2015.

arts education through
service-learning  projects

The Project Shop is a creative incubator and hands-on learning and production facility providing arts education through creative service-learning projects, empowering student-artists to share their voices on critical issues, fostering conversation and community engagement.

Thank you for supporting our innovative programming. 

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‘art in process’ gallery takeover at The Art Base in Basalt. Tues-Sat 12-5pm til Jan 31st
The fourth installment of ‘art in process’ celebrates creativity as a collective force for a better future. This year’s theme ‘if only this moment’ asks: how do we choose to spend our time and energy? How does context influence perceived value? How do we celebrate the power of collective wellbeing and mutuality? The gallery space is equipped for individual and collaborative creative exploration. 

More at


open to all, yes that means you ;)

Sponsor A STUDENT Project

Contact Reina to learn more.

“...whether that is on racial equality, climate awareness, or reproductive healthcare, I would love it for my peers to have the same opportunity and experience of growth as I did. The service-based projects not only allow the younger generation to shine light on current issues, but are also bridges of connections between individuals and the wider community.” - M.Lei CRMS Senior  

partner with us 

We love cross-sector and inter-organization collaborations. Our Service-Learning printmaking projects are a great way to empower young and emerging artists to learn, engage and gain confidence in their creative expression.  Contact Reina Today

Our goals include:

  • celebrating the power of print as a tool for sharing ideas, impacting awareness and creating beauty.

  • keeping the tradecraft of traditional printmaking alive by facilitating access to equipment, exploring experimentation, and enduring power of print as creative expression.

  • facilitating creative experiences for all regardless of experience, means or access.

The lowdown

︎︎︎our Blog

low·down /ˈlōdoun/ noun:
the true facts or relevant information about something.